We will never be Coil

Weirdest moment today: A toothbrush of the same make/model as my own was laying in the crosswalk at the intersection outside of my office building as I left work tonight, and pausing for what seemed like several minutes but was most definitely less than one, I stared at it wondering how it managed to get there from the relative safety of my bathroom. The most disturbing aspect of this was not, however, that this notion occurred to me at all but that my initial reaction to the “possibility” was merely “huh” not “WHAT?!”

Work might be doing something to me. (I am still not 100% convinced that we are in fact designing/building anything, and aren’t instead part of a research test group taking part in a study on boundaries and stamina.)

Totally unrelated: I’ve written your new experimental dark-ambient neofolk project’s first hit. It’s titled, We Will Never Be Coil.

But every song’s like broken teeth, greyscale, shakin’ in the asylum

Spoken word, ambient sounds, recording in the bathroom

We don’t care, we’re circuit-bending in our dreams.

But everybody’s like Thirlwell, post-punk, synths over blastbeats

Horror score, science, bustin’ up technology

We don’t care, we’re caught up in our own nightmare

And we’ll never be Coil (Coil)

Too much alcohol in our blood

This kind of noise ain’t what it was

We crave a different kind of fuzz

Let us be on your label (label)

You can say we’re like Psychic TV

And man we’ll be cool, cool, cool, cool

Let us drone infinitely

