names and favors

Happy 2nd Discount Chocolate Day Eve to all who celebrate.

It’s been a big week here for me at the house; I finally replaced the last of the previous owners’ terrible drapes. It’s weird how much better I feel just not walking by their extreme badness every time I go into the kitchen. I’m sure my allergies have a little something to do with it. 🀧

This is either a mall Easter Bunny portrait from my childhood or a psychic snapshot of a fever dream. Unclear.

I also took the first step toward a goal I’ve been delaying for a long time. Not the one where I have a Great Dane and a Dachshund and they are BFFs, sorry. Someday. Nevertheless, between this and the drapes, I’m feeling accomplished and I’d like to savor this rare occasion. πŸ†πŸ…β­

In fiction

Velvet Season has been updated. 4.4 wraps up our chat with the large dog from the Lurken line whose injured sister Moira picked up. Speaking of Moira, she’s doing you a real solid taking care of the foundlings so you can go home and rest. But will you be able to get any sleep before setting out to hire a tracker? What is happening in Tuor’s shuttered shop?

🎈Over in Birthday Girls, Chapter 4, our girls are in 1998 and one of them has aged into a sad goth college student, while the other… has not aged at all.

